The New draft regulations and guidance for managing Health and Safety in the construction industry are now available to view for Duty holders and members of the public to familiarise themselves with before going live on the 6th of April 2015.
A number of new changes will come into force under the 2015 CDM regulations. According to HSE, the changes under the guidelines include:
Client – The new regulations recognise the client as the head of the supply chain and as the party best placed to set standards throughout a project. This is a significant change and means you will bare responsibility throughout the project for its safe delivery.
Principal Designer – The CDM co-ordinator role under CDM207 will be replaced by the new PD Role. It means responsibility for coordinating the pre-construction phase will rest with a member of the design team.
Competence – The requirements will be replaced with a more general framework which splits ‘competence’ into component parts of skills, knowledge, training and experience and organisational capability.
Documents of the new Regulations can be found on our Client Portal.
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